Noise protection in industrial areas:
More than just smoke and mirrors
Listen to who’s hammering! Noise protection is becoming increasingly important, especially where commercial areas, industrial plants and logistics operations border on residential areas. No matter how small and medium-sized companies may be indispensable as local employers or economic drivers for a region: The protection of neighbouring residents from harmful noise is always in focus.
Industrial areas - immission control under Hand & Seal.
Noise is not just noise
Not all noise is the same. After all, large companies generate completely different noise levels than retail stores or small commercial and craft businesses. It is therefore all the more important that the permissible parameters are meticulously determined by the TA Lärm. The immission guide values for general residential areas may not exceed 55 dB during the day, while noise emissions are capped at 40 dB at night. Even short-term noise peaks are subject to strict guidelines.
Industrial plants: A new approach to noise protection.
As we all know, knowledge comes from recognition. This is why the topics such as occupational health and safety are no longer the focus of noise protection. In fact, immission guide values are already regulated today in the planning of new industrial plants in regulations such as the Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement (TA Lärm). And the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) specifies the protection of the general public and the neighborhood from harmful environmental impacts caused by noise.
Noise protection for logistics facilities? Of course!
With the VDI Guideline 2571, TA Lärm provides the necessary basis for measuring sound levels in the vicinity of commercial and industrial areas. Only these enable adequate planning and dimensioning of all sound insulation measures. For example, with noise protection systems from Ecotec.
This means that our team can also rely on one thing when it comes to noise protection in commercial areas – an incredibly good neighborhood.